Atherton is quite a convenient location, especially for commuting. The crime rate in the surrounding neighborhood is lower than the national average, making it an ideal destination to live and work. There are several public transportation options such as Caltrain and SamTrans within 1 mile of the given latitude and longitude. You can also find various amenities such as grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and other essential amenities within walking distance. Business centers and workplaces such as conference centers, or co-working spaces are also located nearby. Additionally, you have access to healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, or pharmacies.
- Caltrain: 0.5 miles
- SamTrans: 0.8 miles
- Safeway: 0.7 miles
- CVS Pharmacy: 0.3 miles
- Peninsula Conference Center: 0.9 miles
- Menlo Park Medical Center: 2.2 miles