Oakham is located at 42.352711, -72.044975 and has an average safety rating, making it a great place to stay for people who want convenience without sacrificing their security. The public transportation near Oakham includes the Oakham Train Station which is 1.8 miles away. There are also several amenities within walking distance such as grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and other essential amenities that can be reached in 0.6 miles from here. Business centers and workplaces such as conference centers, or co-working spaces can be found 3.4 miles away. Access to healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, or pharmacies is 4.2 miles away.
- Oakham Train Station: 1.8 miles
- Amenities: 0.6 miles
- Business Centers and Workplaces: 3.4 miles
- Healthcare Facilities: 4.2 miles