Reading, located at latitude 43.489338 and longitude -72.591461 is a conveniently located town. There are several public transportation options within two miles of the location such as the Short Line Bus and Amtrak Train Station. Amenities such as grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and other essential amenities are also available within walking distance. Business centers and workplaces like conference centers and co-working spaces are also accessible from this location. Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies are nearby as well. The crime rate in the surrounding area is low compared to other neighborhoods.
- Short Line Bus: 1.3 miles
- Amtrak Train Station: 1.6 miles
- Grocery Store: 0.9 miles
- Pharmacy: 1.2 miles
- Restaurants: 1.4 miles
- Conference Center: 1.7 miles
- Co-working Space: 1.8 miles
- Hospital: 1.5 miles
- Clinic: 1.6 miles