Salisbury is a great place to be based in. It has an overall low crime rate, with the average crime rate being lower than 40% of other US cities. Public transportation services such as buses and trains are within 5 miles of Salisbury. There are plenty of amenities nearby, including grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and other essential amenities all within 1 mile of the location. Business centers and workplaces such as conference centers, or co-working spaces are also around 4 miles away from Salisbury. Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies are located within 2 miles of Salisbury.
- Buses and Trains: 5 miles
- Grocery Stores, Pharmacies, Restaurants, and Other Essential Amenities: 1 mile
- Business Centers and Workplaces: 4 miles
- Healthcare Facilities: 2 miles