Volga is a relatively safe and convenient place to stay. The crime rate of the surrounding neighborhood is well below the national average. There are several public transportation options, including bus stops, train stations, and subways within 7 miles of this location. Essential amenities such as grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, etc. are all within walking distance. Business centers and workplaces, such as conference centers and co-working spaces, are also easily accessible from this location. Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies are all close by.
- Morgantown Intermodal Transit Facility: 3.8 miles
- Walmart Supercenter: 2.1 miles
- Taco Bell: 0.7 miles
- CVS Pharmacy: 2.3 miles
- Mountaineer Coworking: 2.5 miles
- JW Ruby Memorial Hospital: 4.6 miles