Wick is located at the latitude of 39.4131333 and longitude of -80.9739978, making it a very convenient location for daily commutes and errands. The surrounding neighborhood has low crime rate which makes it an ideal place to live in. Public transportation such as bus stops are within 0.7 miles from the given location, where amenities like grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and other essential amenities are within walking distance of 0.5 miles. Business centers and workplaces such as conference centers, or co-working spaces are within 1.2 miles from the given location. Access to healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, or pharmacies is also within 1.2 miles from Wick.
- Bus Stop: 0.7 miles
- Grocery Store: 0.5 miles
- Restaurant: 0.6 miles
- Conference Center: 1.2 miles
- Hospital: 1.2 miles