Baudette is a great place for those looking for convenience. The crime rate of the surrounding area is below average, and there are many public transportation options within a short distance such as Baudette Bus Station (0.3 miles), Baudette Airport (1.4 miles) and Warroad Amtrak Station (25.7 miles). There are also plenty of amenities to choose from within walking distance, including grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and other essential amenities. Business centers and workplaces like the conference center at Rainy River Community College (2.9 miles) and co-working spaces located in nearby towns offer opportunities for career development. Lastly, healthcare facilities such as Lakewood Health System Hospital (11.8 miles) and pharmacies located in the town provide access to medical care.
- Baudette Bus Station: 0.3 miles
- Baudette Airport: 1.4 miles
- Warroad Amtrak Station: 25.7 miles
- Rainy River Community College: 2.9 miles
- Lakewood Health System Hospital: 11.8 miles