Crystal Lake is a great location for those looking for convenience. The crime rate of the surrounding neighborhood is lower than the US average, which makes it a safe area to live. There are public transportation options such as Pace Bus and Metra trains located within 1 mile of Crystal Lake, making it easy to get around. You can also find amenities like grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and other essential amenities within walking distance. Moreover, there are several business centers and workplaces such as conference centers and co-working spaces located near Crystal Lake. Additionally, there are numerous healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies close by.
- Pace Bus: 0.5 miles
- Metra Train Station: 1.2 miles
- Jewel Osco: 0.3 miles
- CVS Pharmacy: 0.6 miles
- Crystal Point Conference Center: 0.8 miles
- Adventist GlenOaks Hospital: 2.4 miles