Fairfield is located at 38.249359, -122.039963 and is surrounded by many conveniences such as public transportation, amenities within walking distance, business centers and workplaces, and healthcare facilities. The area has a low crime rate, making it an ideal place to settle down. Public transportation such as buses, trains, and subways are all within a few miles away from the city center. Amenities such as grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and other essential services can be found in abundance within walking distance of the city. Business centers and workplaces such as conference centers and co-working spaces are also close by. Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies are accessible with ease.
- Napa Valley Transit: 1.3 miles
- Safeway: 0.9 miles
- Solano Community College Conference Center: 4.2 miles
- NorthBay Medical Center: 5.1 miles