McCook is conveniently located at 40.200248, -100.607374 and is within range of many essential amenities. Public transportation such as buses, trains and subways are all close by with the nearest bus stop being 1.3 miles away. There are also many grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants and other essential amenities within walking distance which are only 0.9 miles away. Business centers and workplaces such as conference centers and co-working spaces are located 2.7 miles away from McCook. Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics and pharmacies are just 0.8 miles away from McCook. The crime rate in the surrounding neighborhood is low compared to other cities, making it a safe place for families.
- Bus Stop: 1.3 miles away
- Grocery Store: 0.9 miles away
- Conference Center: 2.7 miles away
- Hospital: 0.8 miles away