Virginia City is a great place to live as it offers many conveniences within close proximity. Public transportation such as bus, trains and subways are all available within 1 mile of the location. Amenities like grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants and other essential amenities are also within walking distance from this location. Business centers and workplaces such as conference centers, or co-working spaces are also located within 2 miles of the location. Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies are all also within 3 miles of the area, ensuring access to medical care when needed. The crime rate of the surrounding neighborhood is low, making it a safe and secure place to live.
- RTC 4th Street Station: 0.3 miles
- Smith's Food & Drug: 0.4 miles
- Sierra Nevada Conference Center: 1.7 miles
- Renown Regional Medical Center: 2.9 miles